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How the Coronavirus has changed my community

The coronavirus. Two words that almost everyone in this world has been hearing of for the past six months. The virus that has taken over so many people, and is an on-going struggle in many ways. I believe that reflection over one’s actions is important, which makes reflecting over an insane time such as living through a global pandemic is equally as powerful.

COVID-19 came to my state around late March of 2020, while I was a little more than halfway through my tenth-grade year. This virus has drastically changed the way I view the world, but it has also made my love for helping out the community grow even more. As COVID-19 progressed and spread, the city truly started to come together to support each other, whether it be through remote education or sending out supplies to people in need and hospitals. Seeing how people can unite during these unprecedented times truly staggered me. Supplying protective masks, donating to funds, and supporting local businesses are just a few examples out of the plethora of ways the community consolidated to help each other.

Researching and finding local businesses to support is a great way to help the community. Buying and donating masks and other protective equipment to local clinics and hospitals is also another excellent option. You can also help your local food pantry. On top of this, if you would like to help with the COVID-19 virus on a global level, consider a donation to the response fund to the World Health Organization (WHO) through this link: .

However, the most critical way one can support and slow down the spread of this virus is by wearing masks and social distancing. And of course, stay calm and stay informed through the media. We are in this together!



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